Displaying active pet shouts
It certainly is a feature that has been requested by beastmasters often and I have to agree that it would be very handy to see which pet shouts are currently active on the pet.
Anyway, some two weeks ago I was playing on my beastmaster and I happened to get disconnected during a mission. No biggie, reconnects work fine so I get back in five seconds. When I'm back, I notice something odd on the Upkeep Monitor area:
(Yes, the pet I had back then was called Emperor Kisu.) Symbiotic Bond is showing as an upkeep on my pet. Double-clicking on it did nothing however and it didn't go away with time, possibly because I didn't wait long enough until reapplying it. Also I had two other pet shouts active before I disconnected, but neither of those showed up on the Upkeep Monitor.
This is a fairly interesting bug. I think displaying active pet shouts on the Upkeep Monitor would be a nice feature to see in the future.